Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Yesterday a friend told me a scenario which i think was rather interesting, when he and his uncle drove up to JB last night. They had a yummy good time from satays to black sauce mee apart from the 2 hr initial jam HAHA. (a bit annoyed i wasn't invited) Anyway it was when they were returning at abt 1am-2am they were dissed completely by the customs officer lol. As his uncle was driving a sports coupe and seeing that the vehicle has 2 very suspicious looking individuals, this malay officer was quite stringent on the check this was the conversation.

M O : Open your boot.

Uncle : *steps out open* sir just some cooking oil and groceries.

Friend :*stare at M O*

*M O walks to friend*

M O : Boy got any cigarettes?

Friend : *thinks for a few seconds replies nervously* yes ah bang.

M O : *look at driver* U got or not?

Uncle : Yes i have


Uncle : *cold sweat* ahh that one open already la i forgot la ah bang.

M O : any other illegal stuff? *starts opening drawers and shit*

Uncle and friend : Sweets

M O : WRIGLEY's SWEETS AH? What abt this VCDS?? U want me to FINE U 2?

Uncle : ah bang give chance la we friend friend.

M O : Don't do it again or i will catch you then i see how you ah bang me. *waves them through*

LOL fuking customs officer can be a bitch sometimes but hey if your nice to them im sure they will be nice to you :P enjoy this pic i took from Fish & Co. yum!


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